Made in EU
All our clothes are made in the European Union, precisely in Poland. We are committed to keeping it this way in the future, no matter how big we grow.

All our clothes are made in the European Union, precisely in Poland. We are committed to keeping it this way in the future, no matter how big we grow.
Quality of craftsmanship
Quality was important to us from the beginning. We ensure that the people who create our clothes have the right skills and experience. The same people who make our pieces also produce clothes for several renowned luxury brands. Furthermore, because our production is located close to our office, we can regularly check the quality of finish in our clothes and ensure it is to the highest standards.
Fair pay and safe working conditions
When choosing our production partner, we looked not only at the quality of their work but also at the working conditions they offer. We wanted to ensure that people who produce our clothes have fair pay, all the standard health benefits, and work in a safe environment.
Carbon footprint reduction
By keeping our production close to us, we minimise emissions caused by the transportation of fabrics and the final products. We buy most of our materials in Italy, from where they are transported to Poland, where we produce our clothes. This is a much less polluting scenario than sending the fabrics for production in China.